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Executive coaching makes great 'corporate athletes' (2013-07-04)

Few people would dispute that South Africa is a nation of sports lovers.

By and large, South Africans just love watching sports.  Many of us actually practice some form of sport and a few of us are very good at it, as witnessed by last year’s Olympics.  We know that nobody with any sense will get involved in serious competitive sport without a coach.  Yet most business leaders merrily embark upon, or endeavour to thrive in the ‘corporate race’ with little support.  This is odd.  In sport, rules virtually never change; competitors are well identified and times to perform are properly set.  Whilst in business the rules of engagement are quite often dubious and competitors spring from anywhere, and most often at unexpected times; the environment is largely unpredictable. Why then do so many business leaders insist in navigating alone through the hazardous corporate waters? 

Whilst overseas it has become a more common practice to have your own executive coach in an effort to improve upon business leadership and decision making, regrettably in South Africa there is a common perception that executive coaching and mentorship is remedial, and mostly for people who are in trouble. Fortunately, reality could not be more different. Executive coaching is for good performers who aspire to become ‘corporate athletes’ and those who want to remain achievers and keep growing. The main purpose of executive coaching is to help leaders push their own boundaries and challenge their own paradigms which will benefit not only their career, but also bring more advantages to their organisation as a whole.

Everyone has the ability to achieve a higher level of well-being in their professional lives. This is what executive coaching is about. Amongst other benefits, executive coaching can boost your confidence as a leader, place your career on a different trajectory, as well as elegantly quit the job you hate, or merely survive a promotion. Indeed, coaching of this nature scrutinizes the present to discover and create the best possible future for individuals who undertake this important process of self-improvement. 

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